Tag: solidity

Participation at ETHOnline Hackathon 2023

We participated and had a lot of fun, Oct 2023 Project showcase and video In this hackathon we didn’t win any prize, but had a lot of fun and made live streams along the way!IdeaBecause fair and port

Winners of prize at UniCode Hackathon 2021

We participated and had a lot of fun, August 2021 Project showcase and video In this hackathon we won the Uniswap Best Governance Hack prize…Idea Built with ❤️ by Developers for Developers Host your

Winners of prize at HackFS Hackathon 2021

We participated and had a lot of fun, August 2021 Project showcase and video In this hackathon we just won the IPFS Web3.storage pool prize…IdeaFor a general social platform to use decentralized web