DSound, the launch

Original post on Steem

What’s new now that the 1st alpha is closed and the FULL decentralization of it

First of all, I wanted to thank all of you that jumped right in and uploaded content to DSound! It was amazing to see great sounds being added on such a cadence! :)

There are really a lot of creative people in STEEM community. My thanks to all of you who believed in this project and embraced it right away!

The Launch

In every first launch of a new project there are bugs, crashes and complications that make our live as developers really crazy. With DSound it was really smooth, I have to admit! It had a few bugs, of course, we cannot predict everything at our test bed, but I think it went really well and, on those small bugs we found along the way, I had all the people on my side trying to help. This is so fantastic!

Yesterday I considered this first version 0.1.1 closed and this is the official first alpha version of the project!

With all your help I could fix all the major problems in DSound and have a minimum viable product usable by all of us.

Thanks so much to all of you who helped me and put your time trying DSound! :)

What changed behind the scenes

DSound got a server of it’s own. Initially it was published in my development server, but now it was moved to its own space in the web.

But that is not all! DSound new home is only a bypass to an IPFS node that caches versions of DSound project and shares them on the IPFS network.

This makes it possible to access DSound in various ways, from many IPFS nodes around the globe. So DSound now is fully decentralised and impossible to stop! :)

Ways to access DSound

The regular way will always be:


But you can also access it through IPNS (Inter Planetary Naming Service) which glues perfectly with IPFS like this:




This means that the domain dsound.audio exports a link to an IPFS peer that hosts the latest version of DSound, and through IPNS it is possible to reach to that peer, by appending /ipns/dsound.audio/, to any gateway in the world! Isn’t it awesome?

But both these ways require the use of a domain name, and if there is any kind of pressure from installed corporations to stop DSound, the domain name will be the easiest way to try to stop it. What can we do about it?

Full decentralized access

There are projects already on their way that try to solve this problem, like Namecoin, but right now we will need to go the IPFS way…

So to access DSound from the nearest node that caches the latest version of the application you can use:


or just append /ipns/QmbjdbW7D3Zc6AhiF8yQ4P6qpPmtiEZiJ8NS8Z7CVFgcFX/ to your favourite IPFS gateway.

This link will allways point to the latest version of DSound.

Access specific versions of DSound - Full power of decentralization

Each version that is closed is published recursively to IPFS, as a directory in a web server. So each version will have its own IPFS hash and will be accessible as long as there is still a node in IPFS network that caches or pins it. Wow! :)

This means that we will be able to track versions and even check differences along the evolution of DSound project.

So below there is a list of DSound versions up to now and their respective IPFS hashes and links. I will make another post to hold this information permanently on STEEM so that we keep a record of all the versions and as a reference if something happens with the domain or the hosting of DSound.

DSound Versions on IPFS

Version IPFS Hash link
v0.1.0 /ipfs/QmSMruoCXkLJDvcrP8127YUkkjndkpw384SP2r7e98UayK
v0.1.1 /ipfs/Qmf6b4SyFi1wYV2zQBVtRL9woAvGYFin2AQiRMe5ff4Hx7

To get any version just append the IPFS hash to https://ipfs.io or https://gateway.ipfs.io or your favourite IPFS gateway.

NOTE: Version v0.1.0 is not showing anything, because of a problem with relative links, but it is there forever on IPFS network…

This is just the beginning… DSound rocks! :)
