Tag: dapp

Winners of prize at HackFS Hackathon 2021

We participated and had a lot of fun, August 2021 Project showcase and video In this hackathon we just won the IPFS Web3.storage pool prize…IdeaFor a general social platform to use decentralized web

EOSIO London Hackathon 2018 participation

We participated had a lot of fun, September 2018 We had a lot of fun with the EOSIO team, and it was very rewarding to participate… We even met the one and only Dan Larimer there at the Science Museu

IMSHARE 2018 conference

Lisbon, June 2018 Pedro Reis Colaço (aka prc) panel chat about blockchain technology and decentralization. If you were not there, then you can watch a bit here… You can check out the entire conferenc