Mastering the Art of Hackathons

Mastering the Art of Hackathons: Tips, Tricks & Tactics for Web3 and Blockchain Developers

DecentraWise Podcast #33

Podcasts schedule and information

In this episode we discuss the importance of Hackathons, and what they might bring to the table for an aspiring Web3 Developer. We also add tips, tricks & tactics from our own experience in many Hackathons and from winning some prizes as well.

In DecentraWise Podcast we explore the world of Blockchain and Web3 from the economic and technical points of view. We are seasoned blockchain and web3 developers that love to discuss about crypto economics, cryptography, blockchain and web3 security and development.

Thanks for joining us on our mission to Decentralize the world, wisely, and we’ll see you in the next episode!
